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FAQ preliminary release

Crossfire Frequently Asked Questions 

Current maintaner: Mark Wedel ()

Original code by Frank Tore Johansen ()

This is a preliminary release of the Crossfire FAQ. It was originally written
in HTML and hopefully will be available soon on the Crossfire WWW

Please send any comments and additional input to Sam Mackrill 


Introduction to Crossfire 

Installation Questions 

 o What do I need to run Crossfire? 
 o How do I get the files? 
    o Via FTP 
    o Via WWW 
 o How do I get help compiling Crossfire on my platform? 
 o How do I send mail to the Crossfire mail server ? 

Playing Crossfire 

 o Beginners' Questions 
 o ---------------------

    o Which inital stats are most important? 
    o What do the other stats mean? 
    o Which race is best? 
    o How do I save my position? 
    o When will my player advance a level? 
    o Help I keep dying, what should I do? 

 o Advanced Playing Questions 
 o ---------------------------

    o How do I create my own magical weapons? 
    o How does encumbrance work? 

 o Monster Problems 
 o -----------------

    o How do I kill vampires? 

 o Solving Maps 
 o -------------

    o I'm on the starting map, what do I do now? 

Client/Server Questions 

 o Which is faster, Crossclient or Telent? 
 o How do you start a server and also how do people play in that same

Maintenance Questions 

 o How do I balance up the spells? 


Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the
X-Windows environment. It has certain flavours from other games,
especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria. Any number of players can
move around in their own window, finding and using items and battle
monsters. They can choose to cooperate or compete in the same "world". 

Crossfire is currently awaiting the "Great Leap Forward", which will be a
split into a proper client/server format. When this is stable then Crossfire
will be released to the world. Look for V1.0+ . 

Return to Contents

Installation Questions

What do I need to run Crossfire?

You will need UNIX, X-windows and an ANSI C compiler to compile this

Crossfire has been known to compile on the following systems (latest known
version number of Crossfire that compiled on these systems is included in

 o Sun3, SunOs 4.1.1, gcc (0.90.3) 
 o DEC300AXP-500 (Alpha with OSF1 1.3) (0.90.3) 
 o Sun4 with SunOS 4.1.3 (0.90.2) 
 o Ultrix 4.2a (0.90.1) 
 o PC Compatiable, with Linux (0.89.3) 
 o IBM RS/6000 with AIX 1.2, X11R4/5 (0.91.4) 
 o HP735, HPUX, X11R5 (0.90.2) 
 o DEC 3100 and DEC 5000 with ULTRIX BSD 4.2 
 o DEC with OSF1 
 o VAX3100 with BSD 4.3 
 o IBM RT with BSD4.3 
 o HP9000-series (HP-UX) (very old versions of HP-UX might barf
   on stdarg.h) 
 o MIPS with RISC/os 
 o (UMIPS) 4.52 (?) 

It has been compiled with X11R3, X11R4 and X11R5 (the editor requires

To get directions on compilation, read the INSTALL file. 

How do I get the files?

 o Via FTP

   The commonest method is to use anonymous ftp from one of the
   following sites, choose the closest one to you for a faster transfer rate

    o (Europe) 
    o (Australia) 
    o (USA) 
    o (Europe) 

   A quick guide to using ftp, I'm assuming you're on a UNIX system
   here because thats what I use, if not the messages may be slightly
   different but the commands should be the same , if you are on a
   machine with filename length restrictions you may have to replace
   'get crossfire-0.91.3.tar.gz' with 'get crossfire-0.91.3.tar.gz xfire.gz'
   which will save it on your system as xfire.gz, which is short enough,
   also you may need to put stuff in quotes, eg on a VAX you would
   type cd "pub/crossfire". Everything you type below is marked with a
   ** before it (don't type the **). And replace my email address with
   yours when asked for a password. 

   ** ftp
   Connected to
   220 FTP server (Version wu-2.4(7) Thu Apr 21 13:28:21 MET DST 
1994) ready.
   Name (** ftp
   331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
   230-Please read the file README
   230-  it was last modified on Fri Dec  3 14:45:21 1993 - 259 days ago
   230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
   ftp> **  cd pub/crossfire
   250-Please read the file README
   250-  it was last modified on Thu Jul  7 09:36:19 1994 - 43 days ago
   250 CWD command successful.
   ftp> ** dir
   200 PORT command successful.
   150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ls.
   -rw-rw-r--  1 frankj    frankj       10675 Jul  7 07:36 README
   drwxrwsr-x  2 frankj    frankj        1024 Aug 16 10:08 archive
   -rw-rw-r--  1 frankj    frankj      358891 Jan 29  1994 bitmaps-a.tar.Z
   -rw-rw-r--  1 ftp       frankj      478345 Aug  5 07:27 
   -rw-rw-r--  1 frankj    frankj        1654 Jul  7 07:34 crossfire-0.91.2-README
   -rw-rw-r--  1 frankj    frankj      606463 Jul  7 07:34 
   -rw-rw-r--  1 frankj    frankj     1173498 Jul  7 07:34 
   -rw-rw-r--  1 frankj    frankj     1121742 Jul  7 07:34 crossfire-0.91.2.tar.gz
   -rw-rw-r--  1 kjetilho  frankj        1383 Aug  6 13:17 crossfire-0.91.3-README
   -rw-rw-r--  1 kjetilho  frankj      582807 Aug  6 13:06 
   -rw-rw-r--  1 ftp       frankj     1221948 Aug  5 07:41 
   -rw-rw-r--  1 kjetilho  frankj     1062177 Aug  6 13:06 crossfire-0.91.3.tar.gz
   drwxrwsrwx  4 frankj    frankj        1536 Aug  6 13:14 incoming
   226 Transfer complete.
   ftp> ** bin
   200 Type set to I.
   ftp> ** get crossfire-0.91.3.tar.gz
   200 PORT command successful.
   150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for crossfire-0.91.3.tar.gz (1062177 
   226 Transfer complete.
   1062177 bytes received in 610.5251 seconds (1.699 Kbytes/s)
   ftp> ** quit
   221 Goodbye.

   Return to Contents

 o Via WWW

   Try one of the following : 

    o Crossfire Home Page
    o Cardiff's Crossfire Pages
    o City University, Crossfire Archive
    o Feux Croises (in French)

   Return to Contents

How can I get help compiling Crossfire on my platform?

Try mailing the Crossfire mailing list with your problem or alternatively try
one of the following people : 

 o Sun 
    o Sun3 Volunteer Wanted  
    o Sun4 Volunteer Wanted  
    o Sparc Volunteer Wanted  
 o DEC 
    o DEC300AXP Volunteer Wanted  
    o DEC3100 Volunteer Wanted  
    o VAX3100 Volunteer Wanted  
 o Ultrix 
    o Volunteer Wanted  
 o PC 
    o Volunteer Wanted  
 o IBM 
    o RS6000 Sam Mackrill  
    o RT Volunteer Wanted  
 o HP 
    o HP735 Volunteer Wanted  
    o HP9000 Volunteer Wanted  
 o MIPS 
    o Volunteer Wanted  
    o Volunteer Wanted  

Return to Intallation Questions

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How do I send mail to the Crossfire mail server ?

There are two mailing-lists dedicated to the developement and bug-testing
of crossfire. The first is for discussing bugs and features, the second is for
announcing new versions. 

If you want to join or leave any of the lists, send mail to
 with the subject "subscribe",
"unsubscribe","subscribe announce" or "unsubscribe announce". If you use
the subject "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" you will (un)subscribe to both lists. 

To send messages directly to the list, mail . 

Return to Contents

Playing Crossfire

Beginner's Questions

Which initial stats are most important?

 o St : Strength. 
      How strong a character is, can affect Damage and how much
      can be carried without losing speed. Also affects how often
      the character can attack. 
 o Co : Constitution. 
      How healthy a character is. Affects the maximum Hit Points. 
 o De : Dexterity. 
      Helps the character avoid being hit. Affects the Armour Class
      and the speed. 
 o In : Intelligence. 
      Affects the maximum Spell Points. 
 o Wi : Wisdom. 
      Determines the chance of learning a spell, and for certain
      classes, gives bonuses for casting priest spells. 
 o Ch : Charisma. 
      How charismatic a character is, this affects the prices when
      buying and selling items. 

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What do the other stats mean?

 o Hp : Hit Points. 
      How much damage a character can take. If this drops below 0
      the player dies. It consist of two numbers, the current and
 o Sp : Spell Points. 
      How many spell power a character has. They are consumed
      when casting spells. It consist of two numbers, the current and
 o Wc : Weapon Class. 
      How well a character is able to hit enemies. 
 o Dam : Damage. 
      The maximum a character can damage an enemy with a single
      successful hit. 
 o Ac : Armor Class. 
      How hard a character is to hit. 
 o Arm : Armour. 
      How well protected the character is. This number specifies a
      percentage which is subtracted from the physical damage
      inflicted on the character. 
 o Speed : 
      How fast a player moves around. The number in the ( )
      indicates weapon speed. 
 o Food : 
      How much food a player has, if this drops to 0, the player will
      die shortly. 

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Which race is best?

After a player rolls stats and he/she is happy with the character they must
decide on what class or profession the character will be. 

 o Human 
 o Ninja 
 o Warrior 
 o Wizard 
 o Elf 
 o Cleric 
 o Barbarian 
 o Priest 
 o Mage 
 o Viking 
 o Swashbuckler 
 o Thief 
 o Fireborn 

   attacktype      restrictions    immunities      prot./vuln.
   fire,phys       no armour,      fire            vuln:ghosthit
                   no weapons      poison          drain,cold

   Fireborns are supposed to be fire spirits. They're closely in tune with
   magic and are powerful and learn magic easily. Being fire spirits,
   they are immune to fire and poison, and vulnerable to cold. They are
   vulnerable to ghosthit and drain because being mostly non-physical,
   anything which strikes directly at the spirit hits them harder....

 o Quetzalcoatl 

   attacktype      restrictions    immunities      prot./vuln.
   physical        no armour       fire            vuln:paral

   Quetzalcoatl's are now born knowing the spell of burning hands, but
   because of their negative wisdom bonus, they have a very hard time
   learning new spells. Their maximum natural wisdom is 13. With the
   high intelligence bonus, they will typically have many spellpoints.
   They can be very devastating at low level due to their low natural ac
   and can make mincemeat out of low-level monsters. However, at
   midlevel, they really begin to have problems because they cannot use

Each class or profession modifies the initial stat rolls. 

| Class/Prof   |  Str  |  Dex  |  Con  |  Wis  |  Cha  |  Int  |  Net  |
| Human        |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   |
| Ninja        |   2   |   2   |   0   |  -1   |   -1  |  -2   |   0   |
| Warrior      |   3   |  -1   |   2   |   0   |   -1  |  -3   |   0   |
| Wizard       |  -2   |   1   |  -2   |   2   |   0   |   3   |  +2   | 
| Elf          |  -1   |   4   |  -1   |  -3   |   2   |   1   |  +2   |
| Cleric       |   1   |  -1   |   0   |   3   |   1   |  -1   |  +3   |
| Barbarian    |   4   |   1   |   3   |  -1   |  -2   |  -8   |  -3   |
| Priest       |   0   |   0   |  -1   |   2   |   2   |   0   |  +3   |
| Mage         |   0   |   1   |  -1   |   1   |  -3   |   2   |   0   |
| Viking       |   1   |   1   |   2   |  -1   |  -1   |  -2   |   0   |
| Swashbuckler |   1   |   3   |   1   |  -1   |   1   |  -4   |  +1   |
| Thief        |   0   |   4   |  -2   |   0   |  -3   |   1   |   0   |
| Fireborn     |  -7   |   4   |  -3   |   3   |  -4   |   4   |  -3   |
| Quetzalcoatl |   4   |  -4   |   4   |  -7   |   0   |   5   |  +2   |

Net refers to the all the bonus/penalties added up.

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How do I save my position?

Whenever I use the save command it seems to work fine but when I quit the
gave the player is deleted! What gives? 

The save command is to provide an emergancy backup in case of a game
crash. To save your player you must find a "Bed to reality", move your
player over it and apply it ("A"). These beds can usually be found in the inns
and taverns dotted around the maps (especially in cities). This prevents you
just saving anywhere and forces you to finish what you are doing and return
somewhere safe. 

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When will my player advance a level?

Your player will advance when his score reaches the following values :

 o Level 1: 0 
 o Level 2: 1000 
 o Level 3: 2000 
 o Level 4: 4000 
 o Level 5: 8000 
 o Level 6: 16000 
 o Level 7: 32000 
 o Level 8: 64000 
 o Level 9: 125000 
 o Level 10: 250000 

Return to Contents

Help! I keep dying, what should I do?


Crossfire is populated with a wealth of different monsters. These monsters
can have varying immunities and attack types. In addition, some of them can
be quite a bit smarter than others. It will be important for new players to
learn the abilities of different monsters and learn just how much it will take
to kill them. This section discusses how monsters can interact with players. 

Most monsters in the game are out to mindlessly kill and destroy the players.
These monsters will help boost a player's score, after he kills them. When
fighting a large amount of monsters in a single room, attempt to find a
narrower hallway so that you are not being attacked from all sides. Charging
into a room full of Beholders for instance would not be wise, instead, open
the door and fight them one at a time. 

For beginners, there are several maps designed for them. Find these areas
and clear them out. All throughout these levels, a player can find signs and
books which they can read by stepping onto them and hitting 'A' to apply the
book/sign. These messages will help the player to learn the system. 

One more note, always keep an eye on your food. If your food drops to zero,
your character will soon die, so BE CAREFUL! 


Non Player Character are special monsters which have "intelligence."
Players may be able to interact with these monsters to help solve puzzles and
find items of interest. To speak with a monster you suspect to be a NPC,
simply move to an adjacent square to them and push the double-quote, ie. ".
Enter your message, and press . You can also use 'say if you feel like typing
a little extra. 

Other NPCs may not speak to you, but display intelligence with their
movement. Some monsters can be friendly, and may attack the nearest of
your enemies. Others can be "pets", in that they follow you around and help
you in your quest to kill enemies and find treasure. 


There are many special items which can be found in Crossfire, of these the
most important may be the signs. 

 o Signs : 

   Signs often have messages that might clue you in on quests and
   puzzles or even refer you to NPCs. It is your job as a player to make
   sure you read every sign to make sure you do not miss things.

 o Handles and Buttons : 

   These items can often be manipulated to open up new areas of the
   map. In the case of handles, all a player must do is apply the handle.
   In the case of buttons, the player must move items over the button to
   "hold" it down. Some of the larger buttons may need very large items
   to be moved onto them, before they can be activated.

 o Gates and locked doors : 

   Gates are often tied to a handle or button and can only be opened by
   manipulating the the handle/button. Doors that are locked can either
   be smashed down by attacking the door or by using keys which can be
   found throughout the game.

 o Pits : 

   Pits can be doorways to new areas of the map too, but be careful, for
   you could fall down into a pit full of ghosts or dragons and not be
   able to get back out.

 o Break away walls: 

   Are a common occurrence in Crossfire. These type of walls can be
   "destroyed" by attacking them. Thus, sometimes it may be worth a
   player's time to test the walls of a map for "secret doors."

 o Fire walls: 

   Will shoot missiles at players. Some firewalls can be destroyed
   others cannot.

 o Directors and Spinners: 

   These odd items will change the direction of any item flying over
   them, such as missile weapons and spells.

CAUTION: Some items are perishable.

If for instance you shoot a fireball into a room full of scrolls, you will notice
them going up in smoke! So be careful not to destroy valuable items.

 o Books/scrolls: 

   This is how players can obtain magical spells, sometimes a player can
   learn the spell, other times they cannot. There are many, many
   different types of books and scrolls out there.

 o Wands/Rings: 

   Again many different types, rings can be worn to add/remove
   different immunities.

 o Artifacts: 

   These are the real treasures of the game. There are more than 20
   artifacts out there, but they are very hard to come by.

 o Weapons/Armor: 

   Tons of items, it is up to you as the player to figure out which work
   better then others.

Return to Contents

Advanced Questions

How do I create my own magical weapons?

Improve item scrolls

These are used to turn non magical weapons into magical weapons. These
magical weapons can do many things - improve stats, have lower weight,
higher damage, etc. 

For each improve scroll & prepare weapon scroll, at least 10 food and 5
booze must be on the ground. How much the ability is raised depends on the
amount of item donated, with each scroll requiring that something be
donated. Here is a short list: 

Prepare weapons: Diamonds (Gems) are required for the sacrifice. The item
can be enchanted the square root of the number of diamonds sacrificed.
Thus, if 100 diamonds are sacrificed, the weapon can have 10 other enchant
scrolls read. 

Improve damage: The square root of the number of rubies determines how
much the damage will go up. Weight is also increased. The maximum
damage a weapon can ever do is 70. 

Improve weight: The square root of the number of pearls determines how
much the weight is reduced. 

Improve Stat (ie, Strength, Dexterity, etc): The sacrifice is the potion of the
same type as the ability to be increased (ie, Improve Strength requires
strength potions). The amount increased is the square root of (sacrifice/2). 

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How does encumbrance work?

I did not include an allowance for strength in the encumbrance code. My
reasoning is that this is because these items get in the way more than they
weigh down. Unfortunately, my only measure of 'getting in the way' was
the weight. 

I basically accumulate encumbrance points from applied objects. Weapons
give 3x their weight in kg in encumbrance points. Shields give 1/2 their
weight in kg in encumbrance points. Armour gives its weight in
encumbrance points. 

There's an allowance of encumbrance points which all players get before
they start losing spells, this was about 35-45, not too much. 

The formula works like this: You make a roll of 1-200. You compare it to a
failure threshold. This threshold is: encumbrance + spell level - caster level
- 35 

Someone wearing plate mail, casting a spell they just learned, wearing a
20kg sheild and a 15kg weapon would have an encumbrance of 100 + 10 + 45
= 155, or just about 3/4 failure rate. 

Magical armour makes things better through its weight, as do magical

If we interpret 'encumbrance' literally, then players with higher dex should
be less hindered, and players with lower strength should be more hindered.
However, I abstracted the idea to 'this garbage gets in the way', so i didn't
feel that dex, str bonuses were important. 

I would not mind replacing the minimum allowance with dex and strength
bonuses. I'll look in the appropriate arrays, and see if this is handy. At the
time, i didn't want to deal with the extra complexity. 

Armour, weapons, sheilds now encumber a spellcaster and cause spell
failure. Light equipment causes no failure at all, heavy equipment causes
mondo failures. 

My reasoning is that the bulkiness of objects, not their weight exactly, is
what causes failures. Spell failure works thusly: people walk around thusly:
they have a new field, 'encumbrance', which contains the sum of 1/2 the
equipped shield weight the equipped armour weight 3*the equipped weapon

In order to determine whether a spell fails or not: roll a die from 0-199. If
the roll is less than: encumbrance + spell_level - caster level - an allowance
for minimal equip. 

suppose someone is wearing robes, (weight 10) weilding a dagger (weight 2)
and a small sheild (weight 10) encumbrance = 10 + 3*2 + 10/2 = 21 

the allowance right now is either 35 or 45, i forget suppose he is attempting
to cast burning hands (level 1) and he is level 5: spell_level - caster_level =

The total of these is: 21 - 4 - 35 ==> -18: he cannot fail the spell. 

Now: platemail (100) high shield (20) skullcleaver(22) encumbrance = 100 +
10 + 66 ==> 176 same spell: 176 - 4 - 35 ==> 137, meaning the spell will
fail 68% of the time. (137/200) 

Right now there's no dex or strength bonus. My reasoning is that it was
primarily the bulkiness of things which gets in the way of spellcasting, not
the weight, but weight is the only measure of bulkiness i have around. 

Magical weapons/armour are less bulky then their normal counterparts. 

Return to Contents

Monster Problems

How do I kill vampires?

 o How do I kill these suckers? Stakes don't touch them when wielded.

   Lightning, firebolt, burning hands, holy word, these spells work very
   nicely if you have enough spellpoints. Especially holy word, the
   vampire is sometimes running away.

   I dunno what the deal with stakes is. I honestly think you're better off
   with some artifact weapon such as Darkblade or Demonbane.

 o I was zapping one vampire with my rod of firebolt and my rod of
   small lightning for ages, and he just wasn't going down! Do I need to
   be more patient? They don't have THAT many hps though, at least,
   according to the spoilers...

   You will never kill a vampire with rods. A wand might do it.
   Vampires have constitution, and HEAL QUICKLY. You've gotta
   pour a large damage/time into the vampire quickly, via spells, or
   you'll never kill him.

   Rods take too long to regenerate, you can't cause damage fast enough
   with one.

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Solving Maps

I'm on the starting map, what do I do now?

You should be in a city square with a few sign posts in the middle. Move
over the signs and apply them ("A") to read what they say. 

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Client/Server Questions

Which is faster, Crossclient or Telnet?

Crossclient and telnet are equivalent in speed for playing crossfire right
now. No flags are really going to speed things up for you very much, except
the difference between font and xpm graphics. Font graphics are most
certainly going to be quicker.

The reason is that crossfire's client isn't really a client right now, the server
simply sends over an X-window.

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How do you start a server and also how do people play in that same

You do it this way: 

crossfire -server -detach 

The server will now be running in the background on your machine.

Better yet, look at utils/crossloop or some such. Then announce your new
server to the network.

To start a new player on the local machine type:


To start a new player over the network type:

crossclient -server "server node name"

Try this as well for other options:

crossfire -h

crossclient -h

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Maintenance Questions

How do I balance up the spells?

You need to edit the spell_params file in your libdir. Have a look in the file
Crossfire/doc/spell_params.doc for more information. 

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Sam Mackrill /