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	I'm trying out the v0.89.2 binary for Linux, and I was 
wondering:  Why am I getting vertical lines between the tiles in the map 
window?  Could it be that I don't have the font set up correctly?  Has 
anyone seen this?  In the black areas (the out of sight areas) the 
vertical strips are rought 8 pixels wide and are the same color as the 
background in the other windows.


BTW... crossfire is pretty cool!  Good job! to all those responsible.

| Ed Phillips <> University of Delaware (302) 831-6082   |
| Jr Systems Programmer, Network and Systems Services, Info. Technologies |
| Public key footprint: 1C D4 AC C2 A3 D5 97 AA  DB 3B D8 85 88 E7 40 B8  |
| Finger  for PGP public key                             |