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Skills patch

	Hello again,

	   I couldnt help 'fiddling' with the skills code. In particular,
	I have been working on several new characters (the icons for these
	characters I admit may need more work -I include 2 new characters
	here), patching up the object confering skills code--it didnt work
	well before (included), fixing up the hand-to-hand attack code
	(it was slow, arcanely programmed and buggy - I include better code here) 
	and getting monsters to use skills (stealing, in particular would be 
	nice - not implemented here). I know it seems like I have been making
	alot of 'patches', maybe too many :). I will 'freeze' my development
	here pending another CF release - so I *promise* not to update this
	code before then. 

	   The intrepid will find the new patch on in 
	pub/thomas/ in the file skills5.tar.gz.  This is a patch for ORIGINAL 
	CF 0.91.8 release files. It is NOT a patch for the previous patch 
	(patching patches, oh my!). 

 	BTW, Thank you to the many ideas from people all over. This new code
	includes a name change for the 'climbing' skill and a graduated Cha
	bonus for the 'bargaining' skill.  For the future...  I have heard 
	various people advocate the inclusion of some rating system. For 
	now I have no plans to include such a thing. Perhaps a system where
	character skills are rated at a 'skill level' == your current level
	- the level at which you first gained the skill. If you lose enough
	experience to actually go below the level at which you first gained
	a skill then the level at which you first gained the skill is 
	changed appropriately (hope that isnt too confusing). 

	   I am planning to look at revamping the alchemist skill next (maybe 
	a character for this skill?), fully implementing the skill use by 
	monster code and later releasing some of the stronger character ideas 
	I have (I have 'halfling' and 'holy knight' characters designed now.
	But a 'druid' sounded good too. I guess I don't want to 'deluge' the 
	character roster - there are quite a few as is, perhaps it is better
	wait and play-test them a while.) The 'enchantment' skill mentioned 
	earlier sounded interesting. Finally, I want to add that *any* feedback
	is appreciated (its ok, you can tell me when you think something is 
	stupid - but I certainly like ideas and bug reports better!!) 

				Best Regards, 

	NEW SKILL CODE FOR CF0.91.8 ===> ala patch skills5.tar.gz 

	Installation - 
		instructions are in the file INSTALL.SKILLS.

	Philosophy -

		To create a roster of skills which will 1) to hopefully 
	differentiate the character classes. Give each class a unique starting
	advantage over all the others, 2) to balance the starting and 
	continuing discrepancy between the effectiveness of spellcasters
	and non-spellcasters and 3) to add color to the game. The 
	ultimate goal of these objectives is to make the game more fun to
	play :)

	Changes -

		(1) Several minor bugs where fixed. 
		(2) Modified chances of hiding and stealing 
		    (for playability) 
		(3) Addtion of many new skills, the roster is below 
		(4) Jewery skill can now ident rings as well as jewels
		    (i orig wanted to do this, but implementation slipped
			my mind :< )
		(5) Altered the starting skills of characters, + now
		    players start with skill scrolls (try selling
		    them and the "Gods will retrieve" your scroll ;) 
		(6) Altered the cost of skill scrolls. 
		(7) Implemented code for map makers to design
		    items which confer skills to the possessor.
		(8) Started code to allow monsters skill use.
		(9) added 2 new characters - the dwarf and monk.
		(10) Altered 'bargaining' skill to have graduated 
			bonus based on character level.
		(11) name change for the 'climbing' skill to mountaineer.

	Skills (the shortlist) -

alchemist	bargaining	bowyer		boxing		find traps	
hide		jeweler		jumping		karate		literacy	
lockpicking	mountaineer	oratory		sense curse	sense magic	
singing		smithery	stealing	thaumagragist	woodsman

	Character starting skills -
         The starting skills distribution is given in below. I have
         tried to balance the power of all characters starting possessions
         (eg equipment, skills and spells) to make things fair. All in all
         though, "skilled" characters may still need some fine tuning.

	 Since the creation of the "smithery" and "karate" skills, I have
	 created the 'dwarf' and 'monk' character classes. Dwarves are 
	 in conception like the Tolkein Dwarves - doughty fighters and
	 master smiths. Monks are similar in concept to the 'fighting'
	 oriental masters. Note that monks may *not* use hand held weapons.
	 Personally, I have found the dwarf fairly easy to play, and the
	 monk quite a 'challenge'. 

		Character 	Skills	 

		barbarian	mountaineer, woodsman			 
		cleric		oratory (*note cleric no longer starts w/ spells) 
		dwarf		smithery
		elf		bowyer, woodsman 
		monk		karate, hiding, sense magic, jumping
		ninja		hide, jumping 
		swashbuckler 	stealing, singing 
		thief		stealing, lockpicking 
		viking		bargaining
		warrior		boxing

	 The wizard, mage, priest, wraith, quetzalcoatl, and fireborn 
	 classes start with no skills.
	Skills description -

	 The following is now the complete roster of skills. 
	 A * denotes a skill which is not 'applied', but rather is 
	 in effect passively while it is readied.

	  	Skill	description
		-----	-----------

	    alchemist	User can identify potions, containers, and
			amulets. One day I would like to see this skill
			allow mixing of potions and at higher levels
			creation of all non-stat raising potions.
			(using $$ and monster parts!!)

 	   bargaining*	While this skill is readied the user has added Cha 
			for purposes of purchase and selling of items only. 
			Cha is never allowed to exceed 30.  

	       bowyer	User can identify missle weapons and missles.	

	       boxing	User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
			is based on the user's Str and level. For some 
			creatures the boxing attack can "confuse" 
			(ie the monster is "punched silly").  

	   find traps 	User can search (more effectively) for traps.
			Not a 'passive' skill, it is applied in order
			to gain the advantage in discovering traps.

		 hide	User enjoys limited form of invisibility. If
			they attack or move too much they become 
			visible. Right now it is possbile to  
			hidden while next to hostile monsters. Not
			a reasonable feature!

	      jeweler	User can ident gems and rings that they hold.

	      jumping	User can 'skip' over 1-2 spaces in a selected
			direction. Distance depends on weight carried,
			Str and Dex of the user. 

	       karate	User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
                        is based on the user's Str and level. This attack 
			is the fastest and (at higher levels) most deadly 
			of the 3 "hand to hand" attacks available. 

	     literacy	User can ident books and scrolls that they hold.
			Since scrolls are currently always identified,
			this is not the greatest of skills.

	  lockpicking	User may 'pick locks' (open doors). No equipment
			is currently needed to to this. Eventually, I 
			would like to make this only available through
			possession of 'lock picks'.

	   mountainer*	While the skill is readied, the possesser will
			move faster through "hilly" terrian (hills,
			mountains, etc.)  

	      oratory  	User may 'recruit' followers. Recruitees must be
			of lower level, and unaggressive to start. Use
			of this skill may anger the audience. Also,
			'special' monsters are immune to recruitment. 
			Success depends on User Cha and level.

	  sense curse	User may discover whether items that he holds
			are 'cursed'. Controversial skill, may go away
			in later versions.	

          sense magic   User may discover whether items that he holds   
                        are 'magic'. Controversial skill, may go away 
                        in later versions.

	      singing	User may pacify hostile monsters with this skill. 
			Certain kinds of monsters are immune. Success
			depends on user level and Cha.

	     smithery	User may ident arms and armour that they hold.
			Right now this is a powerfull skill, and I 
			am considering breaking it up into 2 ident skills
			in the future.

	     stealing	User can take items from the inventory of other

	thaumagragist	User can ident rods, wands and horns that they
			are holding. 

   	     woodsman*  While the skill is readied, the possesser will
                        move faster through "wooded" terrian (forest,
                        grasslands, brush, jungle, etc.)	

	    wrestling	User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
                        is based on the user's Str and level. For some
                        creatures the wrestling attack can "paralyze"
                        (ie the monster is "held down").