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movement request

It used to be (before version 0.91.6) that if you were firing something
with the mouse buttons, you could still actually move with the direction
commends (north, west, etc.).  When this stopped, it drove me nuts, and I
just kept on using the older versions.  I would like to update now, but I
can't stand that movement scheme.  I want to be able to move right away
with the keys I have bound to directions without disarming, not fire
north or south or whatever.  I spent a while tonight trying to hack the
0.91.8 code to do what I wanted, but it's going to take more effort and 
time on my part than I'm inclined to spend.

Does this bug anyone else?  Has anyone else found a fix?

The Official Great Goddess To Whom You Do Beg of Dogbert's New Ruling Class
Truth, when witty, is the wittiest of all things.
					--Julius and Augustus Hare