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Re: treasure items...? wanderers?

On Mon, 14 Aug 1995, Petri Heinila <> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Aug 1995, Brian Thomas wrote:
> > 	Imagine a special "wandering" merchant with rare (and expensive)
> > 	items for sale. or  a medicant preist who will show up every
> > 	so often while the player traverses the "continent" maps, etc.
> Indeed algorithm of wanderes would make a bit more atmosphere to
> the game. But I have no clear idea how it could be done; maybe
> some additional list or player list, and mile-stones on maps
> to where the NPCs are targeting, or something. 

The algorithm doesn't have to be very complex.  The NPCs would not
require the same kind of tests (obstacles, line of sight) as the player.
For example, one could create an NPC which moves accross the sea or
teleports from one map to another (even if a normal player cannot follow
the same path).

But we have to be careful about the maps that are used by the NPCs: if
there are too many NPCs on different maps, some memory problems could
occur because these maps would never be swapped out and flushed.  What
if someone creates a map with several dozens of NPCs and they all go to
other maps?
