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Re: spell-params file, should it go away?

On Aug 16,  3:40pm, Peter Mardahl wrote:
> Subject: spell-params file, should it go away?
> Dear everyone,
> Long ago I put in the ability to have a spell_params
> file which allowed the server-maintainer to modify
> how spells behaved (spellpoints, level, and level dependencies)
> without a recompile.
> This was important when I was tryiing to balance the power of
> spells with their spellpoint cost, but now it's just another
> place to change.
> Should I leave it in or delete the functionality?
> Do people want the ability to change how spells work
> without a recompile?
> Regards,
> PeterM
>-- End of excerpt from Peter Mardahl

 I myself have actually never changed the file, except for patches I have
received from other people.

 However, I don't see any real reason to remove it - it seems to add
functionality without much complexity.  I know that a while ago, it was said
that most of the options presently in config.h should be loaded at run-time, so
that things can be changed without a full recompile.
