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> From: "tuan (t.) doan" writes:
> In message "weather/day/night/climate", 
> '' writes:
> >	Hi, 
> >
> >	   I have managed to sort-out all of the previous 
> >	mentioned difficulties within the lighting code *and*
> >	add a few features. I will be posting again later 
> >	to describe this.
> Kool, when can we expect this to be part of crossfire release?

	Uh, that depends on Mark. I will submit the same patch
	to him that I will make available later tonight. Sorry,
	got held up by work yesterday... ;)
> >		I am posting now to discuss another idea that 
> >	came out of this project--namely the possiblity to 
> >	have weather, climate and night/day cycles on (specified) 
> I've been thinking about this for a while as well; so I'll give my
> 0.25 cents (inflation :-) inputs.
> My main concern is with how to represent the environment.  With the
> new lighting code, day and night would be pretty easy.  Just have

	Agreed. Although it would take about 10 lines of code, I 
	will hold off doing this in the lighting code perse.

> for weather, it's a different story.  For starter, how do we represent
> weather?  Wind does not need graphical representation, just its affects
> on others.  How about rain, snow, etc...  Will weather restrict movement?

	Hmm. I was hoping to make weather primarily archetypes that would 
	be put onto maps. For example, "rain" and "snow" would be inserted
	in random spots on a map to simulate this weather. These archs would
	be similar to "fog" in that they might blockview, slow movement and
	move around the map randomly. In some cases ("thunderstorm") weather 
	might "cast spells" (ie lightning). Not sure if this would look too
	comical though.. Also, I expect most of the weather archs would be
	temporary.. this is to say, a snowstorm might move around the map for
	1-10 moves then disappear leaving behind "snow" (a new 'floor') on 
	the ground. Cold/hot conditions could be simulated by giving the 
	weather an attacktype (but there are problems w/ this I wont further 
	mention here).

> Weather will definitely adds several new spells :-)  

	Oh yes. An just having day/night and seasonal cycles introduces the 
	posibility for "ritual" magic which only works at specified times of 
	the year (!). This is one primary motivation for seasons day/night
	time. You could even make spellcasters path_attuned "day" and 
	path_denied "night" so that those players got bonuses/penalties for 
	casting magic during certain times. 

> How will we model the elements of weather (snow, water, cloud, etc...)
	See the above...

> What are the attribute of weather (humidity, temperature, pressure, etc...)

	I am strongly aggainst using "scientific" terms for weather in a 
	"fanasty" setting. Weather that occurs would be set by simiple	
	conditions ie the current season in the game and the "climate" of the 

> Time will add to the game only if there are factors that uses it.  Will
> players have age and will age affects playing?  Some spells may be able
> to make use of time (spell duration can be affected.)

	I already addressed spells in the above. I don't think ageing should
	be introduced into the game (how many game hours to have to play 
	before your character reaches the end of their life??!!). Certainly
	"potions of longevity" would have to become available then. I 
	would not advocate ageing in the game.
> As far as labeling them, I vote we move away from the normal "earth-like"
> 12 months, 24 days, 4 seasons.  At least make it flexible for configuration.

	Definitely. Use maybe a default of earth-like seasons but allow 
	maintainers to "customize" them. The more things you have depend on
	the season (like spellcasting), the more difficult it will be to 
	have a customizable (and simple) system of climate/season/weather.


> Regards.