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From c to c++

	I'm working with a group of students here at the University of 
Nevada Reno who'd like to port crossfire to c++. I realize it's under the 
GNU license but would like to hear from some of the people working on it. 

If this becomes a reality it would be an upper divisional class in 
porting using crossfire as an example. With any luck, the class would 
first abstract the code into some general classes and then address the 
issues of static versus dynamic code. There are plenty of topics which 
crossfire implements and is an excellent model to be divided up. Hopefully 
the system would be easier to expand and maintain if we were to do a job 
well done.

If you have some ideas/suggestions we'd be very pleased to hear them.

(Btw, I understand the game is in a state of flux and really would like 
to let you know if we decide to do a rewrite/port anytime soon. I'd 
prefer to work with the others already familiar with the system rather 
than against.)


   William Bull
 Campus Computing