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compile errors - crossfire-0.92.0

I am receiving the following error when doing a make of crossfire-0.92.0.  I am  
compiling crossfire on a NeXTStation, using NS 3.2 & CoXist 3.3 (x-Windows V11 R5):

rm -f crossfire
cc -DNeXT -DBSD -o crossfire  apply.o   attack.o        ban.o   c_bind.o        c_chat.o         
c_misc.o    c_move.o        c_new.o c_object.o      c_party.o       c_wiz.o commands.o       
daemon.o   egoitem.o        encounter.o     ericserver.o    hiscore.o       init.o   
input.o login.o main.o  monster.o   move.o  newitem.o       obwin.o pets.o  player.o         
resurrection.o  rune.o  shop.o  socket.o    sounds.o        spell_effect.o  spell_util.o     
swamp.o swap.o  thief.o time.o  xio.o -pipe   -arch 'm68k'     -L../common  -lcross   
-lXext                          -lX11      

ld: warning table of contents of library: ../common/libcross.a not sorted slower link  
editing will result (use the ranlib(1) -s option)
ld: Undefined symbols:
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1

I found the following references to S_ISDIR in the source code, am I missing any?

runner> cd ../common
runner>grep ISDIR *
map.c:#ifndef S_ISDIR
map.c:#define S_ISDIR(x) (((x) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
map.c:  if (stat (buf, &statbuf) || !S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode)) {
porting.c:      if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
runner> cd ../server
runner>grep ISDIR *
login.c:#ifndef S_ISDIR
login.c:#define S_ISDIR(x) (((x) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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