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Re: summoning

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, Mark Wedel wrote:

>  It then might be a wise change to make it so you can't summon multi square
> monsters.

Noo!!  Summoning large monsters is so fun!! :>
Besides..  Is it so big a deal to be able to banish the monster you 
summoned?  Then to call him later on?

>  What problem I see is that you summon a large multi square monster.  You then
> wander into a map that has a constricted size (say many of the shops.)  Now
> you can't get to the exit to leave the shop, because the monster is on top
> of it, and you can't switch places with the monster.

Spell of Bottlement for this one.  Lets not scare the towns people, bottle 
the monster (genie in the lamp road here) for later use if banishment is 
such a big sin.  Its the latest fad, all master summoners keep names of their
favorite monsters, trap them and summon them when they want.  :)

>  Thus could be true on other maps also, where the entrance is a small
> room. (in these cases, nothign short of death of your pet monster will solve
> the problem).  Or maybe killing your pet isn't a big issue, but
> is doesn't seem necessary.

Killing a large creature would take some work, but in my opinion, 100% 
success on banishing it would be the best option.  Your suppose to control
the creature, so lets introduce a whole new set of spells for use during
visits from the realm of the summoned.
>  In theory, exchange place with a small monster shouldn't necessarily be
> a sure thing either.  But in general, I am of the thought that the reason
> you can't occupy the same space as the monster is because he doesn't want
> you there, and because it woudl otherwise become more a problem of logistics
> on how attacks would otherwise be determined.  In theory, on some friendly
> monsters, you should probably be able to occupy the same space as they do,
> if they so desried it.

Ugh.  That sounds like a cool idea.  I'm not too great a programmer yet, 
my first thought is that it would be a headache to program..  But the 
only real issue I see here is who gets attacked when a enemy attacks a 
square with two or more people in it.   But since the AI is alot of 
randomness anyway, no biggie just to choose randomly who to start 
attacking, then the enemy sticks with that until say he gets attacked by 
someone stronger.   

Anyway, just my 2 cents. :>
