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Re: Environment variables of client

In article <>

>> Forgive me for approaching this from a novice level <G>.  But I have 
>> notied some clues that this game has sound.  Is there sound support 
>> compiled into it or are you refering to an addon such as the lightning 
>> code iv'e been reading about from here?
>> If there is sound, I would love to get it enabled. :>

Only 'rplay' library is supported by standard part of Crossfire.
If you want to use this feature, You must uncomment the definition
'SoundEffects' and define relative directories in 'config/crosssite.def'.
Then you get sound files and put them into specified directory.
Sound files are in the ftp site which keeps old crossfire distributions.

I don't know there are patchs for other sound system (direct output to
/dev/audio, network audio system, etc ).

                                          -Takashi Matsuda