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Re: disarm spell

On Mon, 18 Dec 1995, Brian Thomas wrote:

> 	I took out some time to look at this; I don't think
> 	it will be much of a problem to fix. First off, the
> 	spell calls disarm_trap() (though dispel_rune()) 
> 	and *if ALLOW_SKILLS is not defined* then experience
> 	will be awarded for disarming the rune/trap via
> 	a the disarm spell. The spell function itself has
> spell_util.c:    success = dispel_rune(op,dir,0);  /* 0 means no risk of detonating rune */
> 	a risk factor associated with it. Just change the 
> 	risk factor to a positive number (1?) and there will
> 	be a possibility of the trap detonating even when
> 	you use the spell. OR, you can go the other route,
> 	which is to remove the chance to gain exp when the 
> 	spell is used (and ALLOW_SKILLS *isnt* defined..)
> 	I include a patch for that case below...
> 						b.t.
<patch purged>

Yep.  I would just like to say I totally agree with it.  After all, in 
real life, it is possible to set a bomb off when trying to disarm it.  SO 
why not have a chance of MAJOR failure? 

Also, I have an idea I would like to toss out in the open..  Chain 
reaction effect (Man I'm in a evil mood today <G>).  When a trap goes off 
(or pretty much any major activity goes on near explosive type traps), 
why not make it possible for traps, etc to setoff other things in the area?
