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ANNOYING bug, and fix, repeat after me: "=" != "=="

Ever notice how mystic fists would show up when they shouldn't?
Well, look at the following patch and understand why:
All developers please apply this patch!

*** 1.1	1995/07/27 20:04:43
--- spells.h	1995/07/28 01:11:26
*** 133,139 ****
  #define IS_SUMMON_SPELL(spell) (((spell) > SP_BOMB && (spell) < SP_D_DOOR) \
! 	|| ((spell) = SP_MYSTIC_FIST))
  #define PATH_SP_MULT(op,spell) (((op->path_attuned & s->path) ? 0.8 : 1) * \
  				((op->path_repelled & s->path) ? 1.25 : 1))
--- 133,139 ----
  #define IS_SUMMON_SPELL(spell) (((spell) > SP_BOMB && (spell) < SP_D_DOOR) \
! 	|| ((spell) == SP_MYSTIC_FIST))
  #define PATH_SP_MULT(op,spell) (((op->path_attuned & s->path) ? 0.8 : 1) * \
  				((op->path_repelled & s->path) ? 1.25 : 1))