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race/profession proposal

>>I would suggest that if a "class-as-skill" system is used (which, BTW, 
>>sounds fine to me), that each character at least start with the 4
>>basic class skills (or whatever the "basic" skills are; there could be
>Hear hear.  I think we are building enough of a consensus to start
>implementation of skills-as-objects.  We can argue about what you
>start out with later.....

	Skills-as objects has already been implemented! What we need to 
	do is begin to agree on what kind of things we want to be able
	to do in the new '4 or more experience catagory' system. In
	this way we can more intellegently decide on how to 'reconfigure'
	the skills-objects.

	With this in mind one aspect is how implementation of the 
	seperation of race/profession could be handled. I have tried outline
	what we might do in the following brief sketch. Below of some of 
	the critical characteristics are shown. (because of personal bias 
	I have pitched this slightly toward the 6-stat-based experience system,
	but it is all basically applicable to a 4-exp based system).


	Basically I would leave this alone, but the introduction of Power as 
	a stat (6-experience proposal) requires a little bit of shuffling. 
	Below is an outline of possible changes (I believe this falls in
	line with what Peter is suggesting?):

	Stat		Old usage		New usage
	----		---------		---------

	Int		set #spell points	Controls learning of 

	Wis		contr learn spells	set max #grace points

	Pow		-------			set #spell points


	Suggested stat bonuses and limits by race:
 	This is based on current 1-30 range. The modifier is first and the limit 
	in paraenthesis. For established races, I basically took current values.
	but in a few cases I changed things around a little (usually because the
	meanings of Int/Wis/Pow are little different than before). 
 Race		  Str	  Dex	  Con	  Int	  Wis	  Pow	  Cha  	Mod sum. 
 ----		-------	-------	-------	-------	-------	-------	-------	--------
 dwarven...... 	+3 (23)	-4 (16)	+4 (24)	+0 (20)	+0 (20)	-1 (19)	-3 (17)	  -1	
 elven........ 	-2 (18)	+3 (23)	-2 (18)	+1 (21)	-3 (17)	+1 (21)	+1 (21)	  -1	
 fireborn..... 	-7 (13)	+4 (24)	-3 (17)	+3 (23)	+3 (23)	+4 (24)	-4 (16)	   0	
 human........ 	+0 (20)	+0 (20)	+0 (20)	+0 (20)	+0 (20)	+0 (20) +0 (20)	   0	
 orc.......... 	+3 (23)	+2 (22)	+3 (23)	-1 (19)	-1 (19)	-1 (19)	-4 (16)   +1  	
 quetzalcoatl. 	+4 (24)	-4 (16)	+4 (24)	+0 (20)	-7 (13)	+5 (25)	+0 (20)   +2	
 troll........ 	+5 (25)	+2 (22)	+5 (25)	-3 (17)	-3 (17)	-3 (17)	-3 (17)	  +0	
 wraith....... 	-4 (16)	+4 (24)	-4 (16)	+2 (22)	+2 (22)	+3 (23) -10 (10)  -7                 

	Notice that for almost all races the sum of the modifiers comes near 0. 
	In those cases which do not, this is because of a corresponding 
	advantage/disadvantage that race has balanced this out. These are given 
	below. Again, for established races, I took the default.

	Suggested inherent race abilities/advantages and disadvantages

 Race		Advantages	Disadvantages	Base AC  Base Dam Attacks 
 ----		---------	------------	-------  -------- --------
 dwarven....... smithery skill    ----		  10  	    1	  physical	

 elven......... woodsman, 	   ----		  10        1	  physical 
		missle weapons

 fireborn...... spellcasting, 	no weapon or	   0	    0	   fire, 
	    	immune to fear,	armour use			   physical	
		fire		vuln to cold,
				ghosthit, drain	

 human.........	missle weapons     ----		  10	    1	   physical	

 orc........... missle weapons	vuln to fear	  10	    1	   physical 

 quetzalcoatl.. spellcasting, 	vuln to cold,	   5       10	   physical	   
	 	immune to fire  poison, paralyze 	
		1 spell		no armour use

 troll.........     ---- 	vuln to fire	   2	   10	   physical	

 wraith........ immune to drain vuln to fire	   6        1	   cold,	
		& ghosthit					   physical 
		prot to cold, 


	In addition to an amount of starting cash (variable according to 
	profession) a given profession would allow a player skills/benifits 
	and disadvantages. I have included suggested possiblities for new 
	and old professions.

	Profession	Associated Skills	Other ben/disadv. 
	----------	-----------------	-----------------

	 Archer		missle weapons,		bow + arrows, DEX potions 

	 Barbarian	woodsman, mountaineer,  Str potions 

	 Bard		singing, woodsman	instrument

	 Burgler	stealing, hiding	lockpicks, dex potion 

	 Cleric		praying, oratory	path_attuned protect

	 Druid		praying, woodsman	path_attuned create	

	 Mage		spellcasting, sen_magic spellbook, pow potion	

	 Merchant	bargaining, oratory	Cha potions 

	 Monk		karate, jumping, 	no weapons, path_attuned self 

	 Necromancer	spellcasting,sen_magic	path_attuned drain, summon 
						and create.
						path_denied fire, spellbook 

	 Priest		praying,sen_curse	path_attuned abjure,protect,
						and restoration. 	
						path_denied missiles	

	 Rogue		stealing 		str + dex potion  

	 Viking		missle weapons		prot to cold, vuln to fire	
						str potion

	 Warrior	missle weapons,		str + con potion	

	I am by no means being complete here. But this should give a good idea 
	of the possible things we will have to allow the software to do in 
	order to set up professions.