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Crossfire WWW pages with XPM images?

How many people are using XPM images while playing Crossfire?

In October last year, I created a few WWW pages with some colorful
views of Crossfire.  Today, I checked the other pages that have some
images of Crossfire and all the images I found were using the old
two-colors graphics.  I think those pages would look much better if
XPM graphics were used instead.  

You will find my Crossfire pages at the following URL:
There isn't much information there, only a few images and some
pointers to other pages, but IMHO these images are good examples of
what could (should?) be shown about Crossfire.

Note: I haven't updated these pages since last year (except for typos),
and some images (like the inventory, for example) would be a bit
different now, with 0.91.8.
