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re:Starting at levels greater than 1

 Error code -4 (for xpm creation) means that XpmColorFailed (From the xpm.h
header file).

 This probably means that you have added additional colors (beyond those
listed in the the xpm.template file.).  The program I wrote to make
the xpm montage files can only handle about 96 (or something like that)
different color id's. (if people keep to the 30 or so listed, there should
never be a problem keeping within this limit.)

 This is probalby why it sometimes work and sometimes does not - if
you are adding enough new colors, it goes beyond this limit, and the
xpm file start using non standard symbols for various colors, and fails.

 IT could also be that you colormap is running out of space.  If you are
on an 8 bit display (or pretty much any pseudo color display), there
are a limited number of colors that can be used at any time.  VArious 
root window backgrounds, other programs, and so on, can all start to chew
into the number available, and at some point, it just cant get the 30 or
so that crossfire wants.
