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0.91.8/XPM problems

I've just retrieved and built Crossfire 0.91.8.
I get the following error messages trying to start Crossfire in -xpm mode:

   Error creating pixmap /usr/games/lib/crossfire/crossfire.pix.1, error -2.
   Error creating pixmap /usr/games/lib/crossfire/crossfire.pix.2, error -2.

I know nothing about xpm, but looking in xpm.h it appears that error "2" is
called XpmFileInvalid.  I am able to view the crossfire.pix.* files using
xv, so they can't be entirely invalid?

Relevant system specific stuff:
   CPU:       SPARCstation 5
   OS:        SunOS 4.1.3
   Compiler:  acc (2.0)
   X Windows: X11R5, olwm.

The following strings appear in my libXpm.a:
   $XpmVersion: 3.0 $
   $Id: gwm.shar,v 1.57 1991/10/04 13:37:58 colas Exp $

Any help would be appreciated, as I'm getting sick of the normal graphics.


| Ken Woodruff           | Most Latin words in -us have plural in -i,  |
|    | but not all, & so zeal not according to     |
+------------------------+ knowledge issues in such oddities as hiati, |
| Disclaimer: What tote  | octopi, omnibi, & ignorami; ...             |
| bag full of $20 bills? |     Fowler, "Modern English Usage"          |