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Re: Crashes

> I find that the server I run crashes too often. I can't explain why
> it is crashing, it crashes at different times for various reasons.
> I was just wondering if other people have had similar problems.

Well, I've had crossfire crash on me many times.  Just recently I
noticed that it crashes when I try to use my hiding skill (I've tried
three times, and it immediately crashed each time, so I'm ignoring the
skills until I have time to examine it more).  But I think most of the
"unexplained" crashes are probably due to memory problems.  I am using
the pixmap graphics on a machine with only 8 Megs of RAM and 8 Megs of
(dedicated) swap space on disk.  The crashes most frequently occur
when I change maps, but are never exactly reproducible.  Also, there
was at least one point when my hard disk (and therefore /tmp) was
almost full, which probably didn't help things.  I'd say check your
RAM and swap, and if it looks like things are pretty loaded (or
overloaded, as in my case), that might be the culprit.  In my case at
least, just running crossfire causes about half of the X server to get
swapped out (read "Not Good").  But the game doesn't really crash THAT
frequently (plus I keep backups of my character file, just in case)
and it's just too darn addicting to give up.  :)


Waiting patiently for my next system: Pentium (or faster) CPU, 16+ MB
RAM, better graphics than an entry-level Indy -> Crossfire Heaven!  ;)