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Re: steal abuse

> From: Laurent Wacrenier writes:
>  It's easy to abuse crossfire using the stealing skill.
>  * It should not be possible to steal starting items
>    (like crystal, spell books...)

	Yeah, I've been aware of this problem for a while, just keep
	forgeting to fix it. Probably a one-line fix I bet.

>  * To steal another player should not gain experience,
>    a leat so much experience (i've be able to ascend
>    two thieves at level 88, just stealing each one)
	Ouch. This is serious, but is also fixable too. 
> IMHO, it should be more difficult to attemp to steal someone. A thief
> level 1 should never be able to steal a level 100 character.
	Well, on the whole I agree. But I should say that it is possible
	to do it, just really really rare thing.

	I will make a patch for Mark. 
PS. Could someone who speaks french translate that last message? I saw
    it mention something about clerics.. A brief summary would do. Thanks :)

> -- Laurent