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Re: improvement scrolls

Also sprach Mark Wedel:
> On Oct 25,  7:58pm, Arne Wichmann wrote:
> > Another  thing  were  wandering  monsters which    are  able to  cross
> > entrances. Imagine Scorn full of orcs, or the fun a Dragon could cause
> > outside in the landscape when it is awakened...  The first thing would
> > pose some work to some 4-7th  level characters. The second thing would
> > give a task to some 10-15th level characters...

>  Would require a fair amount of code re-writing.  The biggest
> problem I see is tough monsters wandering into areas where they
> should not be.  For example, suppose a bunch of tough monsters
> wander into scorn - this could very well make the game unplayable
> for many people (new characters might get killed before they can get
> to safety.  Even saved characters might be trapped in the inn, and
> if they leave, they die..)

This could be changed if people appear in the  inn or a temple, not on
the market  place.  Players being  trapped or having   difficulties is
ok. It  should be  a major  hassle if tough   monsters get into scorn,
which should usually be protected by gates.

>  And the bigger problem is that if they do die, they appear back in scorn,
> where they might quickly be killed again (this assumes that NOT_PERMADEATH is
> used.)

We don't    use  NOT_PERMADEATH. But  we  use   the raise   dead (...)
spells.  It  tends to make  some  player interaction necessary. I also
removed the  immunities from  the corpses.  If  someone gets killed by
fire, most  of the  time it  will be  a tough  thing  to get  him back

I'm really sorry reincarnation doesn't work as it should, I would like
it if some Wizard comes back as a Barbarian...

> > Hmmm... A side idea... Use n-th level player corpses for weapon
> > enchantment to get a *really* violent crossfire. ;-)

>  This would then depend on how the game is compiled.  I use the
> NOT_PERMADEATH rules - this seems to actually work out quite nicely.
> Even with that, I see very few high level characters around on the
> server here.  At low levels, losing that stat is quite painful, and
> at high levels, the loss of experience can easily be a couple
> levels, which is also very painful.

This also applies to the Resurrection spells...


Wer geteilt ist hat nichts mitzuteilen (Einstuerzende Neubauten)

Arne Wichmann ()