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Re: Special Attacks, was Re: improvement scrolls

On Oct 25, 12:40pm, Michael B. Martin wrote:

> Ok, I guess I have just one more question on this, concerning what
> happens if multiple attack types apply.  From what you've said, if I
> try to attack a (red) dragon with a Firebrand, it will do just
> physical damage (modified by the dragon's effective armour, if any).
> But what about using the same weapon on a Chinese dragon?  Does the
> game say, "ok, the dragon can be hit normally with physical but doubly
> with fire, so then I'll use the sword's fire attack and therefore
> double the normal damage of the weapon (with Str/etc bonuses) and also
> ignore any armour benefit the dragon may have"?  Also, (an even more
> minor point,) if you are attacking a monster with an attack type to
> which it has a vulnerability (like in the above example), does just
> the weapon's damage bonus get doubled (and then the character's Str
> bonuses get added in), or is the overall damage (as reported in the
> character's stat sub-window doubled)?  In other words, does doubling
> for vulnerabilities include damage points beyond just the weapon's?
> Oops, I guess that was two questions, not one.  :)
> -Michael
>-- End of excerpt from Michael B. Martin

 Take all of this with  a grain of salt, since it is what I think happens by
looking over the code.

 When ever talking about damage, the value used is the over all damage.
 Regarding that, the way damage works is I believe that whatever the Dam field
is shown is the effective die that is rolled to determine damage.  Thus, even
if you have +6 strength, and the dam says 20, that represents max normal
damage, and you could in fact only do 1.

 From looking over the various protections, this is what I deduce:

 If a creature is immune, it takes 0 damage if immune to all attack types being
done to it.  Thus, in the example of a dragon which is being attacked with
physical & fire, it being immune to fire does it no good.

 The one exception to this is magic - if immune to magic, you are immune to
anything contain magic (ie magic & fire, magic & cold, etc.)  Otherwise, being
immune to magic wouldn't do much good, since there are very few pure magic

 In terms of being protected or vulnerable, it looks like you only need to have
one of those types applied to what you are using to have the

 Thus, in the example of the fire & physical, if fighting something vulernable
to fire but immune to physical, it takes double damage.  However, if the
creature does have armor, he still gets the benefits of it (so the damage is
then reduced.)

 Hopefully, this clarifies things more that it confuses them.
