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Re: improvement scrolls

On Oct 24, 11:05am, Jonathan Hankins wrote:

> Maybe it's a bit far-fetched of an idea, but remembering a while back
> when I wanted to see what enchanting a weapon was like and cheated with
> the level editor to get all the gems and such I needed, I made an axe
> that, when I tried to ready it, eventually said something to the effect
> of "This weapon is too powerful--it would consume your soul" I was a bit
> amused and even more dismayed :) but along those lines, I thought about
> games (particularly AD&D) in which some of the most powerful weapons have
> personalities and indeed life of their own. Perhaps it wouldn't make it
> too hard to make code so that a weapon, when reaching a certain level of
> enchantment, number of enchantments, etc, gets a bit free-willed, harder
> to control, freaks out at certain critical moments, etc. It'd add a bit
> of fun to the game, IMHO.

 This is a nice idea, and would be neat to add.  The biggest problem is how to
implement it in a good fashion.  I suppose on a simple level, the weapon could
reduce its damage, slow itself down, etc (change actual characteristics of the
weapon to make it worse.)  IT would be nice for it to be able to take over the
character, but that gets to be a very hard idea to implement.

On Oct 24,  6:42pm, Frits Daalmans wrote:
> I disagree with this point: for it can be solved in 2 ways
> a) weaken weapon enchantment so it is more appropriate for the present levels
> OR
> b) create new *high* level monsters/levels where experienced level 50 players
> will still have a difficult time getting those craved scrolls of enchantment!
> I personally tend to like solution b), but what's your opinion?
> Don't you agree that to kill a "Jessy" those enchantments might be um,
> necessary? or at least of great help?

 Solution b tends to say make the scrolls sufficiently difficult to find such
that you need to be very high level to find them (at least that is the way I
see it.)  Or is b supposed to say make more powerful monsters where it is still
difficult for people with great weapons to kill the creatures?

 If you are looking for tough quests, some are out there.  Specific monsters do
not need to be added to the game, but rather existing ones can be modified.
 Peter Mardahl did a really good job on that idea with the dragon caves quest
(sort of soutwest corner of mountains that are to the west of Navar City).
 Even with a high level character with a super weapon created under the old
system, I was never able to complete the lightning section of that quest.

 There are some very tough maps out there, that are not easy to complete - what
is not needed is necessarily more monsters, but rather additional maps that
mutate the existing monsters.

 I also like Peter's dragoncave quest because at least partially, the toughness
is from the monsters power, and not numbers.  The dungeons in which 20 dragons
are tossed in to be tough make it easy for the mage to gain a couple million
exp quickly by casting those icestorms  - this is less possible to do with the
dragon quest.
