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Re: improvement scrolls

On Oct 23,  4:15pm,  wrote:
> Subject: Re: improvement scrolls
> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael B Martin <>

> Okay, this gives me a chance (as a newbie) to ask the obvious question:
> how does one learn what all those "odd" weapons do?  That is, the ones
> that say "sword of X".  Provided X != "Woe", and identify doesn't show
> it to be cursed, I've been assuming that the weapons must have some
> special property, but I can't find anything in the documentation that
> will show what is special about them.  I'm still pretty low level (I've
> got a couple of 5th level characters), sort of learning how things work.
> And I'm reluctant to simply walk around hitting things hoping to learn
> something about the weapon, especially since I fear ending up learning
> something unpleasant :-(

 Many of those special weapons have pretty minor differences - some are lighter
than normal, some do an extra point of damage or an extra point to hit, etc.
 If they have been identified, you can compare it to a normal weapon of that
type and see what differences there are.  In general, they are minor.

> Where can I find some documentation on the skills?  I had a human
> character who had skills in fletching (which I *assume* meant she was
> good at firing bows and arrows, not making them), but how can I tell the
> difference between using and not using the skill?  I've mostly been
> wandering around the town hacking and slashing trying to learn without
> dying (well, without dying too many times...).

 In the doc directory there should have been at least some documentation on
skills.  I am pretty sure fletching allows you to identify bows and arrows-
virgin 0.92.0 code didn't add  class base skills (like magic use or melee
weapons, etc.)

> roland
> --
> Roland B Roberts
>-- End of excerpt from 
