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Magic shop ripoff

Okay, I'm new at this so bear with me....

crossfire 0.92.0, Sun Sparc SunOS 4.1.4, compiled with gcc 2.7.0.

I enter the magic shop in town (default map, etc.), I want to identify
something in my possession.  I can't figure out how to drop *just* 20
pieces of gold.  I have to drop the whole pile I'm carrying.  But for
some reason, even if I only have one unidentified item in my inventory,
the shop takes 40 pieces from me (if I have it...).

For example, if I have, say, 35 pieces of gold and what to identify the
something, I drop it on the table and end up with 15.  That's fine.

Now I have 67 pieces of gold and want to identify something.  I drop it
on the table and end up with 27 pieces even though I dropped everything
I was carrying except the one unidentified object.

Roland B Roberts