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Re: New public Server

> > From:          "Guy Williams" <>
> > Subject:       New public Server
> > I am putting my server up for public use.  It works well 
> > with two people, I haven't tested it with more.  It is a 
> > 486DX2/66 with 16MB Ram running Linux 1.2.13.  It is 
> > connected through a 256K Fractional T1 soon to be a full 
> > T1.  The Crossfire release is 0.92.0.  Does anyone know how 
> > many players 16MB will carry?  Come and test it.  Thanks.
> The address is!

Where is this server located (physically)?  (I tried traceroute from
my site, but it lost me in the sprintlink stuff.)

Those on the East coast (of the US) might be intereseted to know that
I am now running a crossfire server as well.  I am running 0.92.0 with
Brian Thomas's great skills patches.  The server is a Pentium 90 with
16 MB RAM running Linux 1.2.10 on an Ethernet line (which goes into
Virginia Tech's Internet connection).  Brian has tested it and reports
that the connection speed is ok (he said it was better than the Berkeley
server, but that's not saying much).  Tentatively, I have no
time-of-day restrictions and I hope to keep it that way.
(International players are welcome to try my server, but crossfire is
rather sensitive to network lags so it may not be worth the trouble.)
The address is

(yeah, it's pretty long, but I don't get any choice).  I would
appreciate play-testers and comments.  If the server crashes on you
(somewhat often when using certain magic, like summoned elementals), let
me know (e-mail root at the above address).  And be nice to Wiz the mage
(my roommate) and Gorf the barbarian (myself).  :)  Enjoy!

And a note to Guy: this is not intended as a
"my-server-is-better-yours" type of post.  (I've been meaning to make
this announcement for a week or so but have been too busy playing
crossfire to get to my mail program.  :)
