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CF: library patch

	Hi all,

	I have prepared a new patch a set of 3 small hacks that 
	I wrapped together. These hacks are loosly connected in that
	a 'library' map I made requires them to be in place.

	The purpose of 'libraries' is to allow characters access to 
	lower-level books on a regular basis. This is important, as
	reading books is a good way to gain the often difficult
	to come by "mental" experience, which ultimately controls 
	player ability to learn spells. The library is then essentially
	a "pay for (low level) xp" vehicle.

	I have made a tar file that is on in pub/thomas
	(library.tar.gz). A greater explanation of the patch(es) and
	how to install the code are included in the tarfile.


	ps. This patch is for CF 0.92.4. Update your code!!