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CF: Bug on my compilation of the thing

>I isolated the code that appears to me to be causing the problem (note: I'm
>using the supposedly latest and greatest version, 0.92.5). The code snippet you
>see below is from move.c in the server directory. The only change I made to it
>was to add a call to new_draw_info_format to see what was happening. Each time
>I move, I see a "2" printed in the output window, indicating that this piece of
>code was executed. It is my opinion that the program thinks that the whole map
>is impassable for some obscure reason.

Do you have SERVER defined? I experienced similar problems on my SGI when
I tried compiling with the server code turned on. My workaround was to run
strictly single-user mode (SERVER not defined). I was running 0.92.4 at the
time. (wasn't on the list then, or I might have said something..)

At least 0.92.5 compiles right out of the box on SGIs now! :-) (with SGI cc
on IRIX 5.3). 0.92.4 needed some fiddling before it would build properly..

John R. Murray
FSU Aikido Club/North Florida Aikikai       home of Miko's Aikido MPEGs and the
Tallahassee, FL                            WWW Aikido online calendar of events

Politics, n: from "poly ticks", short for "many small bloodsucking insects"
    -- Henry Spencer