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CF: Re: Crossfire 0.92.5

Mark Wedel wrote:
> You can now also find Crossfire 0.92.5 on, /pub/crossfire.  This
> should be a good site if you are in the U.S.  I can't promise that I will keep
> putting future releases on this site, but there is a decent chance.

Maybe a silly question:

I've got crossfire-0.91.8 on LINUX 2.0.0, and i am not sure, what exactly are
the differences to 0.92.5 and if it is *realy* usefull, needed or somehow
helpfull to get this version ...
I mean, i have crossfire-0.91.8 on CD - and getting all this MB for 0.92.5 is a
lot of work ... what has the newer version *i* could realy want?	;-)

Any help?	;-)

Btw. i would like to be able to use my *Cursor* keys for the game, and i would
liek to use Ultima-like key-bindings ...
I mean, typing "g" for "get" and "e" for "enter", and so on ... i cannot
remember those cryptic usage i have to use now - does aynbody have a better
keybinding? Someone on the list who could send me either his modified code or
his modified keybindings?	;-)

	Thanx alot in advance!
Thomas (tgm) Ackermann                    | G i b   GATES | DOS* |Great minds
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