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CF: Player's Handbook

	Whew. After about a week of intensive typing, I 
	believe Ive got a document ready. Its a monster ---
	about 45 pages! and thats the version compiled
	w/o little decorative icons everywhere.

	I would like to have people grab the prototype
	from my ftp site -- ftp.astro.psu (pub/thomas)
	and take a look. Two things remain to be done
	1- some editing. look over to see if I missed
	   something, or if its too much written (or
	   poorly written).

	2- content/style adjustment. How do people like
	   the layout? I had to make up some definitions
	   and I am pretty flexible about changing them.
	   Here's the main ones:

	--definitions of display windows
	--primary, secondary stats

	--wizardry and divine magic to describe
	  "cleric" and "wizard" magic.

	--"incantations" are what wizards cast; "spells"
	   means both "prayers" and "incantations".

	--still need a good name for wizard "spellbooks"

	So, Ill shut up now. Im gonna take a rest, then
	post my ideas for changing the throwing and oratory

	Oh yeah... IF you help edit this document, Ill 
	put you in as a co-authour (a *small* slice of 
	your 15 min of fame ;). I tried to perserve silly
	british spelling for the document, let me know
	where I mis-spelled something...
