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Re: Reading/literacy (was Re: CF: Re: crossfire (fwd))

I wouldn't mind if literacy scrolls were very available, like waybreads.  
Or, if you want to really get funky, have spells written in different 
languages connected to the whole god structure (so spells of Gnarg would 
be written in orcish and you would be better at them if you worshipped 

Also, I've noticed there are shloads of different kinds of weapons with 
very little practical difference between them.  Why not make them act 
more like real weapons.  For instance, assign them a quantity of 
inertia depending on their shape and material that affects weapon 
speed.  Also, durability and have them break down occasionally, 
depending on the weapon, for instance a sword getting knicked or dull 
or the chain on a morningstar breaking.   It seems like a waste to have 
all those neat weapon symbols without any big difference between them.
I'm not a comp.  Sci. type and these are just suggestions.  Thank you 
very much for your concern.  
	I really enjoy the game.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart
for writing it.
sincerely yours,
Ehren T. Evans