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Re: saving throw and multiple attacktypes

In message <>
	"Mark Wedel" <> wrote:

> > 0. What is saveing throw?  I can't understand a meaning and an
> >    idea of these words.
> >
>  The idea of a saving through comes from D&D.  Basically, as determined by some
> luck, level, and other protections, you may be unaffected by some attack type.
>  Thus, a high level person is not as likely to become confused, poisened, etc
> as a low level person

I understand the idea of saving throw(through?).  Thank you.

> > 1. Is this a specification or just bug of multiple attacktypes?
>  I personally think it is a bug - if you have something that attacks with fear
> and weaponmagic, that should work by doing both damage and possibly causing
> fear.

If this is a bug, how about following modification?  Is it
necessary to take account of AT_MAGIC?

--- attack.c-	Tue Jan  2 20:58:39 1996
+++ attack.c	Wed Mar  6 12:42:46 1996
@@ -511,7 +511,8 @@
        /*  the following includes a secret saving throw for magic:
 	   you get TWO saving throws for magical attacks! */
        (RANDOM()%20+((op->protected&type)?5:1) >= savethrow[op->level]))
-      return 0;
   CLEAR_FLAG(op,FLAG_SCARED); /* Or the monster won't hit back */

> > 2. Praying at the alter add some attacktypes to a weapon but
> >    almost weapons lose the attacktype 'physical'.  I think
> >    leaving 'physical' is better.  Are there any reason to lose
> >    'physical'?
>  If attacktype weaponmagic replaces physical, it makes a lot of sense.  But
> this is a tough question.  A weapon that attacks both fire and physical may be
> better than one that attacks just fire or just physical depending on the
> monster.
>  However, I can say that there should never be a weapon with attacktype of both
> physical and weaponmagic - weaponmagic is just a much improved physical in some
> sense (there are very few monsters immune to weaponmagic, there are a fair
> number immune to physical.)

I see.  It seems good to leaving physical.
iKAWAMOTO Yosihisa!