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CF: pray/claw/magic xp

	Well, as of CF0.92.4 '#' comments entered the skill_params
	file...unfortuneately read_skill_params(), which reinitializes
	the skills array -- skills[], fails when it sees comment
	lines in the file skill_params.

	The change in skill_params file is new as of 0.92.4, so there
	is still one more bug to find (??), ill continue on looking 
	tonight. The short patch below should be applied to skill_util.c,
	or alternatively, edit lib/skill_params so that all '#' lines
	are removed.


*** dk	Wed May  1 03:19:07 1996
--- skill_util.c	Wed May  1 03:19:33 1996
*** 477,486 ****
--- 477,488 ----
+ 	if(*skill_name=='#') continue;
          if(skillindex == -1) {
              LOG(llevError,"\nskill_params has unrecognized skill: %s",skill_name);