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CF: Fwd: misc crossfire stuff (bugs)

	Im forwarding this message to the list from Steve Yegge.
	He brings up several important bugs in the current 
	distribution. I have addressed the throwing problem
	(in terms of what gets thrown) already. THese others
	await your kindly attention good sirs... :)

> From: Steve Yegge <> writes:
>   incredible, but since I like the game so much I wanted to bring
>   a few things to your attention.
> 		- my wiz character keeps finding boulders in his
> 		  inventory.  I suspect it's because giants are
> 		  throwing them at me, and when they hit, they stay.
> 		  This is not something I can rationalize - they're
> 		  not made of velcro and I certainly wouldn't keep
> 		  one if thrown it were thrown at me.  It slows my
> 		  wiz down to about half speed frequently, until
> 		  I can detect the problem and drop the boulder(s).
> 		- monsters don't seem to discriminate between things
> 		  they should throw and things that in "real life"
> 		  they might want to hold on to.  I see monsters
> 		  throwing their armor & treasure around like rocks,
> 		  when in reality even a dumb monster would want to
> 		  hold on to its shiny possessions, and it would want
> 		  to keep its only armor when it sees its companions 
> 		  being butchered.
>   of stability, but we've found perhaps a dozen bugs in it that I'm 
>   sure everyone else is encountering and haven't really heard much
>   about whether people are tracking them.  (Yes, I know - I should
>   do it myself.  Well, we'll see.)  For example (off the top of my
>   head),
> 	- you can't take something out of one of your bags if you're
> 	  levitating.
> 	- the game doesn't deduct the weight of a food from your
> 	  inventory if you eat it.
> 	- the graphical inventory list often gets out of synch with
> 	  the game's idea of the list, so that (even when you're
> 	  in show-all mode) when it says "the arrow is now on top",
> 	  if you try to drop it using the keyboard, you wind up
> 	  selling your Power Dragon Mail.
> 	- the notorious "run-bug", where the game thinks you've got
> 	  the control-key (run-key) down even though you don't.  It
> 	  seems to be a race condition, but on our Sparcs running
> 	  SunOS 4.x it happens frequently, often causing us to get
> 	  killed.
>   Steve Yegge
> p.s. one feature request - more characters in a "tell" message.  Sigh.