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CF: BUG in spell_effect.c?

I've just compiled CF with SPELL_FAILURE_EFFECTS defined.

Didn't work: I had to change "server/spell_effect.c" line 52:

A bug? Or is SPELL_FAILURE_EFFECTS not supportet anymore?

BTW, while SPELL_FAILURE_EFFECTS is annoying for heavily encumbered
low-level characters, it has MUCH less impact on gameplay than I had 
expected. Considering the only fault of CF (it's too easy), 
SPELL_FAILURE_EFFECTS seem a good idea to make the game a bit harder.
E.g: Failure effects when a low level/badly injured/confued character
casts a (high level) spell.

AND: The failure effects are quite wimpy. Not in the beginning;
but a mana blast is not much of a problem for a mid/high level 
character. I tried to cast a spell whle carryinf a very heavy weapon:

>Oh, a wyvern! Icebolt!

>Hm, strange effect, didn't work, damn.

>Again! Same...

>Again! Same...

>Hm (reading the messages) ... oh mana storm, bad... 
>or no, just unwield the weapon.

That happens often.

Perhaps have  a greater variety of negative effects (summon mighty 
enemies, destory part of the invetory, etc) and try to hurt even a 
HIGHER level character who casts something he can't handle.

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