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Re: CF: combat proposal (long)

 A few quick notes/questions:

 IF you just do normal attacks, will you be hit by fatigue, or is it only
normal attacks?

 For weapon/armor damage, I would suggest using saving throw tables/code.
After all, a wood club going against metal armor is much more likely to be
damaged than a metal sword.  Likewise, leather is more likely to be cut apart
than full plate.

 The fact that the only way to fully repair magical armor is via the scrolls
more or less means magic armor isn't really repaired (just recreated).  This
would seem to weaken the fighters viability some (or usefulness of items -
what good is a +1 shield if it is going to be destroyed in the next 
battle?) But I guess that would depend on how often monsters use the special

 I would suggest that Con be factored in along with physique experience for
fatigue calculations.  AFter all, a starting character with a 20 con should
be able to do a lot more than a starting character with a 10 con.  Exact
balance on this is open to debate.

 I would also suggest that Dex be factored into ability to use 2 weapons.
A character with a 10 dex is probably worse off, just because he doesn't
have coordination.  Also, probably wouldn't be a bad idea to add a 2-handed
weapon skill that you need.
