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CF: Mapfile format spec ?

Hi All !

I have a short question, and i am sure i will be beaten over my head
with a rubber duck because of it. The reason for that is that i am sure
the file format specification is somewhere in the docs, but i dont have
them at hand right now, so i can't check.

I guess you have figured the question out already, but in case you
haven't, here it is:

Where can i find ( is there one ?? ) the file format specification for
the mapfiles ??

Of course i will ( might ) need it when ( if ) i get the urge to port
the mapfile creator. However, like the the client, it seems like i will
have to do a rewrite instead of a direct port. Especially since the code
seems ( from what i have heard ) to be pretty arcane ...

Scheeesch, that was that.

Ok, go get your flamethrowers and give me what i deserve ;)

   Isak Styf
   Computer Science student at the Technological University of Luleå

   Ringgatan 32, S-974 34 Luleå, Sweden
   +46 (0)920 681 02
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