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Re: CF: 0.94.1 bug?

Scott Wedel () wrote:

> I suggest that CF code should prevent only magic ears and magic mouths
> from becoming visible.  It is clearly incorrect for a see invisible
> spell to reveal the key words and responses.  That part of a magic ear/mouth
> is actually internal which used invisible to prevent it from being
> seen.

> All other invisible objects should be made visible via the see invisible
> spell since CF server code cannot know whether map designer intended
> object to be revealed via see invisible.

That's the point. I cannot see any reason why magic ears/mouths should
ever be made visible, while for other objects it seems to make sense
every now and then. The map designer can _already_ decide (in most
places) whether things become visible or not by puitting things below
or above the floor. IMHO the whole things about "show invisible" is just
an attempt to fix map problems with additional cf code, ignoring the
fact that the additional cf code cannot know what the map designers
want (which causes the problems with pupland).

A "quick fix" can be done for the old (non-pupland) maps if one can
write a program that can process maps (or simply add this to the
editor as a special function). The following should fix all problems:
If an invisible object is above the floor, and if it is not a monster,
put it below the floor if a floor exists. if no floor exists, add a
floor that looks like the "non-floor".

As far as I can see, this should immediately fix all the "show invisible"
weirdnesses in the old map set. Pupland needs special treatment, since it
has a lot of places where the designers actually took the show invisible
spell into account (although there used to be at least one place where
they forget about the "earth to dust" spell :-)); however, we have not
been able to get passwords via show invisible in pupland maps. Of course,
the magic mouth/ears can still be fixed in pupland using the above procedure.

> I think there needs to be a new object flag of INTERNAL_OBJECT which
> means object is, by definition, never to be revealed to the players.
> Then it is possible to edit maps and set objects that the map layout
> implies should never be revealed as INTERNAL_OBJECT.  Presumably,
> all magic mouths and ears could be specified as INTERNAL_OBJECTs.

This sounds like a good idea. In fact, map features (as opposed to
items and monsters) could have that flag set via their archetype, so
map designers would have to say "I want this unholy ground become
visible"). This even means that the old maps don't have to be fixed
pupland would have to updated, though.

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