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Re: CF: Yet another 0.84.1 problem

On Apr 20, 11:36am, Christian Stieber wrote:
> Subject: CF: Yet another 0.84.1 problem
> Hi,
> I think there is now another problem with the 0.94.1 server.
> Since my apartment wasn't added, playing on "another" (non-local)
> server means there won't be any apartments. This means that, instead
> of using an apartment, items have to be stored in another character
> (the carrier character associated with an character). Due to the weight
> restriction introduced in 0.94.1, people will now have to create a whole
> army of carrier characters...

 Transferring characters between servers has never been highly supported.

 In fact, prior to the apartments, it would not have been relevant, as there
would be no place to store your items at all - carry it, or don't have it.

> Also, 4500 is bad, but one probably has to live with it... I guess being
> used to be able to pickup as much as you wanted is the real problem
> here :-)

 If you really dislike the weight limits, it is easy enough to modify
common/living.c and add a few more zero's to the weight limits.  Generally
speaking, the weight limits really only come into effect when players are in
vacuum cleaner mode and picking up every object in the dungeon.  And I believe
more than a few players said that being able to do that was not really a good

> Once  I find the key bug in 0.94.1 I'll have to check something
> out... as far as I can tell from the changes file, you can still get
> negative weight, although it's much more complicated now. And on one
> server, where I have weight of about -800 tons, I'll still be able to
> keep that weight :-)

 It depends on how you got it.  In theory, every so off, the server examines
all the characters and recalculates the weight from scratch.  So unless you
already are carrying so many items that put you above the weight limit and
rolls over the weight, eventually you might have problems.

 However, it has never really been the place of new versions to fix problems
with old characters.

> 4500 should also prevent you from picking up a huge gold nugget, although
> I hope it can still be done (since it is essential in getting negative
> weight, even with the 4500 limit).

 It depends on how much the gold nugget weights.  Although, what really should
be done is to change weight to be unsigned, since I don't think there is ever
need for negative weight internally.


-- Mark Wedel

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