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Re: CF: Suggestions and bugs

Christian Stieber () quoted here:

> here is YASM (yet another stupid mail), divided into sections :-)

here comes YASR (y a s reply) :)
> Suggestion: if the player has a talisman or holy symbol, apply it
> even if he has the skill.

Either you have put in another patch on 'our' server,
or this feature is already in 0.94.1
Steve applies his Totem of the Fire God automatically.
Haven't tested it with talismans, though.

> However, how about
> a) a "weapon of foo" refusing to hurt foo's monsters ("Your long sword
>    of Lucifer refuses to hurt the skull!")

Reminds me of my first day with a 'staff of magi of jehovah' :-)

Doing the wizard tower with another guy:
'Damn, Angels. Please clear them for me, I don't dare to hit them
with my staff...'

> Change marking runes --- if casted by a player, make them last until
> the map resets.

Or until the Player dies :)

> Add an insult file, and when monsters cast marking
> runes, add something from the insults file.

Or just common cookies: "Look left"

> (This is actually a temporary fix --- monsters should never
> cast marking runes).

as well as polymorph or summon fog or holy word or ... 
> How about nethack style fortune cookies? I'd even make some
> fortunes...

So players sit there and 'invoke create food of f_cookie
just to see all fortunes available ? :-)
> While this is fun (like a saw with slay tree, a bag
> of popcorn or sizzling weasels on a stick),

Ever created a cleaning woman out of 50 waybreads ?
-> dumb as bread :-)

> Of course, I'd also like the haste and "regenerate spellpoints"
> spells. But I guess there is no way for players to obtain these :-(
> A spellbook of enchant armor would be fun, too :-)
>  No shockwave spellbook either :-(

Some demon lord cast Hellfire on me today.
I want that, too.
> How about a new item, a nethack-like stethoscope? Or improve
> the probe spell to give some information.

How about a new skill: Butchery
Implemented like stealing, but you can take out flesh parts
from living monsters (that eventually die afterwards...)

> 1j) Long operations
> Now, one might consider to check the execution time for certain
> things, such as loading maps, or transferring xpm image data.
> If the time exceeds 2 seconds, a message should be written to
> all sockets and all player windows, so players know that the
> server is not currently crashing.

There is a message "foo left the game" (for sockets AND players)
why not a message "foo is entering the game" (dito)
> Personality: currently there is no way to score there, except via
>    parties. Perfect abuse fix.

You can still orate a cleaning woman and hope it kills some monster...
Ants should be her natural enemy :)

> The other skills are even more difficult to get --- at least one
> of them has an abusem, though.

You don't mean the 'polymorph and identify' thingy, do you ?
> Now, what does this mean? Crossfire doesn't have enough monsters
> giving experience --- there aren't enough Jessies, or even Dragon
> Lords.

The floating castle should be for level 50 and up characters,
but it doesn't seem to be in the official mapset.

> Some ideas:
> - randomize messages when a player is killed, like
>     "You suddenly feel very dead" or
>     "You have a weird feeling for a moment" or
>     "You feel like a piece of crisp" (when killed by fire)

"Oppie says: One down, two to go" :)

> - the <foo> makes funny faces (when you miss a monster several
>   times in a row)
- the <foo> is not impressed

> - "Fonz is now going to meet Lucifer" instead of just
>   "You killed Fonz". Randomized, of course.
"Fonz says: plopp"

> There are several things that might be considered flaws... and they
> probably are, since we _love_ them, and all the features we love turn
> out to be abuses or bugs... 


> b) on the road from Scorn to Navar: go west until the bend to the north.
>    When you go back to Scorn on this road, sometimes you cannot cross
>    the map border (this is the only place where we have experienced
>    this) --- you'll beam north a few fields, and if you keep running
>    you'll still be unable to cross the border (the server seems to hang
>    for the other players while you do this). You'll have to cross the
>    border further to the north.

I have an explanation for that:
The exits in that map are sometimes defektive in a way so that
they send you to the next map, but exactly on the exits that bring you
back where you came from.
Thus, excessive map swapping is done, which 'halts' the server...

> d) when you try to dimension door across the world map, you don't leave
>    the section you are on.

A good hiding place :)

> 2g) High Drow
> He should give some experience.

As should Big Wizards.
They really do a lot of casting and can drain you for more than 13 kxp
> Certain useless gods don't allow players to wear armor. However, if
> you convert to such a god, you will not loose all of your armor; you
> just can't put it back on when you remove it.
> Have to hide now... some people will be killing me for telling this :-)

Just because of a certain cloak ?
Just make sure you wear enough other cloaks above :-))
> 2l) 0 Hitpoints
> When you reach 0(?) hitpoints, the kill message will be sent, but you don't
> die yet.

"2 times Titan killed Johannes" :-)
> 2m) Reincarnation etc.
> Why do you get these spells (reincarnation and raise dead... might be
> a third one I don't remember right now)?


> It seems like an leftover from older days...

Just enable PERM_DEATH :)

> "You calm down the speedball". This actually happens every now and
> then, but I didn't see any speedball afterwards (does it dissolve or
> what?) Too bad there aren't enough speedballs in the game --- I want
> to try if I can calm one down and orate it :-)

Hmm...must try and sing on a ball lightning :)
> 2r) Weapon improvements
> If you don't use enough potions, it says something like "You need 4
> potiondex". I don't think it's a good idea to use the archetype name.

On the other hand, if you drop too much potions, all of them are used up.

btw, how about  Improve Speed Bonus  scrolls ?

or how about enchanting your own rings ?
You would need a ring of adornment to start with,
because it is the only nonmagical ring...
To avoid 'mega-rings', there could be an increasing chance  that
the enchantment fails, and the ring is (lost|of woe|of doom|...)

> players don't know archetypes.

standard players, that is :)
> 2t) Ring of Ruling
> The ring doesn't tell that it makes you invisible.

As of tolkien, it should make you unpeaceful after a while ;)
> 2u) Random encounters
> Luckily most servers seem to have this turned off, so I don't have
> that much experience with it (only know one server where it is turned
> on --- very annoying).

At least they can be avoided by levitating.

(Argh, why did I say that ? Surely I can read of another 'bugfix'
in the next version :-/ )

> This is sort of funny :-) In the past I have often reported the "bug"
> that the ebony thief guild doesn't accept the fragment of chaos. Since
> somebody said that the floating castle _does_ exist, Steve tried to
> find it by checking all the Lake Country maps with the editor, to find
> maps thst we don't know. No success.

"The mysterious fog is closed"

> (I haven't checked out the new shop that has replaced the smith
> in Lake Country,

95000 Platinum :-/

> 3) The fun section
> Want some fun? Summon fog and polymorph it...

Want more fun ?
-cast nightfall 5 times in Scorn
-cast wall of thorns on scorn's centerplace (may hurt people !)
- build 'traps' with bullet/fireball/... walls and directors (this, too !)
- ...

greetings, Steve
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