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CF: Map bugfix (pup_land/ancient/castle/castle.1)


this is the first in a series of map bugfixes. I won't do them all at
once; it's more like "oh, let's fix this bug now" :-)

The following fixes a major problem in the Eureca quest. One of the
pupland designers was, well --- "shocked" to learn that I skipped a
great deal of the quest, without even realizing that this was not the
way they wanted people to use :-)

The map pup_land/ancient/castle/castle,1 has to be changed:

*** castle.1.old        Sat Aug  1 13:46:27 1998
--- castle.1    Sat Aug  1 13:49:37 1998
*** 3071,3080 ****
--- 3071,3082 ----
  This door was locked by Siegfried.
  Don't open me! 
  x 16
  y 22
+ no_magic 1
+ damned 1
  arch marble
  x 16
  y 23

It just prevents people from dimdooring through the door after
removing the obstacle behind the door, therefore requiring them to
actually go and get the key.

I decided to fix this one _now_ because some players on my server have
reached the castle :-) They already skipped a great deal of the Eureca
quest because they found the way into Siegfried's house without the
Necromancer stuff, and without talking to Siegfried --- they are very
good (sometimes --- they did kurte/jungle the hard way), and trying
all sorts of things... so I assume they would have skipped getting the
key as well :-)

Concerning pther pupland problems: could somebody from the pupland team,
if anyone is reading this, tell me whether the Idaten boots are _meant_ to
be available even if you use the "wrong" items?


Christian Stieber
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