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Re: CF: HPUX/Solaris

On Aug 1, 10:33pm, David Sundqvist wrote:
> Subject: CF: HPUX/Solaris
> Hi,
> Well, the GTK version of cfclient works on Solaris 2.5.1 and HP-UX 10.20
> with some small fixes (actually, I just tested out those two at work
> yesterday and got it working, all in the name of lowering general IT
> industry productivity levels and increasing our market value :).

 The direct X11 works on linux & DC/Osx.

> If you want to apply the fixes , here they are: (only for gcfclient(I'll
> send an update for this with the next release of the client which
> includes several other improvements.))
> ...
> HP-UX: This is a veddy veddy dirty one, and it doesnt fix the actual
> problem, but makes the symptoms go away and the client work -
> In function DoClient, change the exit(1); in if (i==-1) { to return;

 That certainly is a bit of a hack.  If the server is running on HP/UX,
I would think that changes on that side must also be made.

 I don't have access to an HP/UX server to see what is going on there.

 Version 0.94.3 is now out for the client and server, so you may want to
grab those first.


-- Mark Wedel

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