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Re: CF: Ghost-crash

On Aug 3,  7:15pm, Christian Stieber wrote:
> Subject: CF: Ghost-crash
> Hi,
> hitting a ghost causes the server (0.94.3) to crash :-) The effects
> are sort of funny --- when I hit the ghost, I suddenly see my
> equipment on the floor, then the server crashes with a SIGSEGV. Seems
> that I'm being removed :-)

 A patch is now available for ftp, called crossfire-0.94.3.patch1

 Being it is quite short, I also include it in this message:

*** attack.c.bak	Mon Aug  3 15:53:16 1998
--- attack.c	Mon Aug  3 16:19:23 1998
*** 910,916 ****
       * that before if the player was immune to ghosthit, the monster
       * remained - that is no longer the case.
!     if(QUERY_FLAG(op, FLAG_ONE_HIT)) {
--- 910,916 ----
       * that before if the player was immune to ghosthit, the monster
       * remained - that is no longer the case.
!     if(QUERY_FLAG(hitter, FLAG_ONE_HIT)) {

> Christian
> --
> Christian Stieber
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>-- End of excerpt from Christian Stieber


-- Mark Wedel

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