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Re: CF: client woes! and mroe

On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Juha Leskel{ wrote:

> Hello.
> I wonder what are the platforms and operating systems cfclient has
> been compiled and tested to work properly? I got it to work on a
> Sun ss2 with Linux (Redhat, uname -a gives:
> Linux pommac 2.0.35 #1 Wed Jul 15 20:36:31 EET DST 1998 sparc unknown),
> but not with HP 715/50 with HP-UX 10.20. I haven't tried to compile it
> on any other platform/OS.

Well it should be able to run under most Unix platform with only small
changes, but the question is...
Will it work under MacOS and windoze ?, it should be possible now when the
X is gone, but how big changes are needed ?


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