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Re: CF: Scorn Improvment Wish List

Preston F. Crow on  wrote...
| I think there may be some really high-level creatures that are immune
| to all elements, magic, and physical, so you have to use weaponmagic
| to kill them.  That may require being a follow of Mostrai.
I get pretty good with ``drop 10 bombs and run'' tactics with fireborn.
Lots of physical damage!

I likes fireborns. Other than the problem of bashing thorugh walls, at
low levels they are pretty involerable to things.

The main problem is that they tend to destroy all the treasure in the

| The armour and weapons restriction is really tough, but that's the
| point.  It is a "challenge" class.  On the other hand, it might be a
| little more ballanced if, say, a fireborn could use four rings instead
| of just the regular two.
I agree four rings for fireborn would be a coog compensation.
Hmm I wonder if they have a built in light source!!
I haven't played them since the introduction of darkness to dungeons.

| I was thinking that there should also be a frostborn class.  This
| would be tougher, as there are fewer ice spells, and fire is more
| prevalent in general.
Harder to get the items out of those $%^$#%^* ice cubes too.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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         "Suddenly everything goes dark.
           You have fallen into a pit.
             It hits!  It hits!
               You hear the howling of the Banshee..."	- Hack (The Game)
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