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Re: CF: Invisible Inventory Objects

"Mark Wedel" on  wrote...
| On Dec 21, 12:11pm, Anthony Thyssen wrote:
| > | All in all I think it looks good.
| > |
| > | Those suggested invisible inventory items for quest completion seem like
| > | a good idea.  Does a whole party get those or only one person?
| > |
| > This is why I don't think it should be invisible. Item matching
| > (Such as used in the old apartment complex) works even if the item is
| > in a bag or sack. Such items probably should have near zero weigth
| > anyway.
| Some of the point of invisible objects is that the player is 'stuck'
| with them and if the map maker desires, could make it such that the
| player can't repeat the quest.
You missed the point. I was NOT complaining about `invisible inventory
items' per say. I was talking about ``invisible passports'', which some
people have suggested.  Sort of an automatic gate opener for say the
Port and Esatern gates.  Which is still comming along.

You would probably like to pass this sort of item from one character to
the next. Or to a friend in need.

| If enough maps are done to have this, the player probably doesn't
| want his inventory cluttered up with 30 'you have completed this
| quest' type of things.  And some things should be non transferable.
I totally agree with this.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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