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Re: CF: 0.94.0 bug: show invisible

>On Feb 12,  2:00pm, Christian Stieber wrote:
> Subject: CF: 0.94.0 bug: show invisible
> Hi,
> pupland has a lot of invisible handles etc. that one has to make visible
> by casting "show invisible" (e.g. raffle3). These handles now stay invisible,
> making access to large parts of pupland impossible.

 This is a problem with no real good solution, as there are certain objects
which you don't want show invisible to display (magic mouths, ears, no magic
areas, etc).

	Perhaps a flag could be added to non-living archetypes to
	allow them to become visible. Not a great solution, but it
	would work. This kind of solution is why the are more and
	more object flags all the time...already, it takes a quite
	experienced designer to understand all the permutations of
	creating objects/maps, as there are few, few maps that 
	ever reach that "balanced" status (and even fewer that can
	remain at this status as the CF code constantly changes).

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