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CF: multiple protection

Now,the alpha version multiple protection code is done.
You can get it from:

The current version is 0.2.2.

 This package makes crossfire to have varying levels of
immunity/protection/vulnerable code.
This is supported crossfire-0.93.7 and 0.94.0.
This is alpha version. So we guess that the spec. of this package
will be changed. But we hope that one item of TODO list in crossfire
would be reduced by using an improved product of this package.

(Please read NOTES/README that shows some specs. of protection in this

I refer the item of TODO list and show the difference of spec. of this

      - Redo immunity/protection/vulnerable code to have varying levels
	(maybe -127 to 127).

Protection levels is from 100 to -infty. 
Level 100 means immunity.
There are NROFATTACKS Protections for NROFATTACKS attacktypes.

	Have an index table for each value to determine how much damage
	you would take. 

Protection level means the ratio for reducing damage and for escaping

	Multiple protection spells increase the index
	value, and thus increase protection.  Very high protection level
	(100+) may equate to an immunity.  In order to prevent getting
	immunities from casting a lot of lower level spells, limit
	protection to something like 99 unless the protection being
	added is above that (thus, 5 +20 protectin get you to 99,
	but 1 100 gets you 100.)

This spec. have been already achieved.:)

 	To do this would likely mean all the archetypes need to be set up
	(although immunity could be 100 protection for that attacktype,
	protection is 20 or something.) 

Does this means that protection value of archetypes have to be converted?
The conversion has been already archieved.

	Also, instead of listing protection numbers on items, a verbose
	listing is probably better (0-10 might be minimal protection,
	11-20 low protection, 31-40 good protection, etc.)

Protections are displayed numerically. But This is for ease of debugging.

Seikoh Nishita		      |	Dep't. of Information & Computer Sciences
			      |	Faculty of Engineering Science
[e-mail]		      |	Osaka University
 |	Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan

		// OKUDA Hisanobu					//
		// Student of Tokura Lab,Dept. of ICS, Osaka University	//
		// [URL]	//
		// [VOICE] 06-850-6584					//

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