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CF: play balance (was : Stupid: strange ring)

>  I'll instead close with some contructive suggestions that have been 
>  painfully obvious to me for the past 3 years of playing Crossfire:

Crossfire seems to be a little more balanced than the last time I played
it, although some balance problems I see:

- It's easy to get physique & magical xp, but hard to get wisdom xp
  (wouldn't be so hard if not only killing, but healing would give xp too) or
  mental xp (the first few lvl are easy, but beyond 12 it's very hard)
  without using abusive methods (like polymorphing/identifying piles of
  items (spellbooks)).

- Weapon Enchanting was way too powerful - but now is nearly uninteresting
  (one could argue of course that the other artifact weapons are too
   powerful/too easy to come by).

- Armour Enchanting on the other hand seems to be to easy (since one
  can enchant body armour, boots, cloaks, helmet & shield all together).

- Alchemy isn't very useful if one doesn't cheat by looking up the receipes.
  For really useful receipes (like balm of etherality), one usually has
  access to the spell before having a high enough mental level to read the

- Trees give way too much xp, skulls too few (they are really deadly if
  not in a neat row - a thing found in too many maps).

_ The Lake Country maps currently have some real problems: too many bugs,
  too many half finished things, a deathtrap to any player without word
  of recall, a major money give away in the inner city/Butakis castle
  (you get dragon/eye shields for "free").

>	- limit the max player level to 30.  Period.  Anything beyond
>	  that is unbalanced, silly, and embarrassing.

I don't think this is a problem. The level doesn't make much differnce
beyond 30 anyway.

>	- get rid of the One Ring, the Ring of Elrond, and all the
>	  other seriously unbalancing artifacts.

Never had the "One Ring". But I think "Ring of Elrond" is good, but not
really unbalancing (hey, I choose not to wear it, but Ring of Life &
Ring of Free Action instead (btw, how comes that I've got 10 fingers, but can
wear only 2 rings ?)).

>	- implement a working "unique-artifact" system, so that you
>	  can *never* see two of the same unique artifact together
>	  on the same system.  Make sure it checks saved player files,
>	  or better, prevent people from saving with artifacts in
>	  their possession.

>        - make more of the artifacts (strange ring, ring of life,
>          bonecrusher and so on) unique.

unique-artifacts have the problem, that only the first few players will
get them - the rest will never have a chance. Unless you don't save people
with artifacts - but what good is an artifact if I can't save it
(do only 12h in a row gaming sessions ?).

>	- lose the "trade 50 scales for this shield"-type artifacts.

Those are somewhat silly, right.

>	- get rid of (or weaken) the two over-powerful religions.

Uhm, which are the two over-powerful religions ? I tried several but found
none too powerful. Well Gaea is nearly unplayable (no weapons allowed,
nearly all spell paths denied - perhaps crossfire isn't a peaceful game,
after all).

>	* you shouldn't be able to walk through dragons, cyclopes or 
>	  any other strong monsters as if they're not even there,
>	  no matter how well-equipped you are.

Would only work if there were not maps with >10 of those powerful monsters.


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