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Re: CF: Patch: find keys in containers

Mark Wedel () wrote:

>  More complex doors probably would a bit to the game.  Doors could be either
> initially locked or unlocked - player could come around and lock them or
> unlock them, as well as perhaps bash them down (in which case they sort of
> act like earthwalls.)  Then in addition to lock/unlock, the doors can be opened
> or closed.

Hm... sounds like it slows down quite a bit. I always hated the nethack
doors, which you have to unlock and open --- this doesn't add anything
to the game. And we already have doors that can be opened and closed
by the player.

>  Some monsters could perhaps use doors, others not.

This would be good. In fact, currently the only places where monsters do
use doors is where there are monsters that randomly play with levers, which
is no good.

> It would perhaps make
> things more interesting


> it could certainly remove the problem of accidentally
> running into a door and everything rushing out.

Where is the problem? How about removing the problem of of entering
a room, and suddently hundreds of spells go off? In fact, the old bug
that monsters are standing in front of treasure chambers should be
removed, too --- they just get into the way.


Christian (Icho/Gandhi/Ribald, 13326)
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