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Re: CF: suggestions

>you mean, bigger "map" area, where the character wanders around?
>that's not very realistic.
>On the other hand, a client could have its own "auto-mapping" feature.

That would be cool.

Perhaps have the regular map displayed as it is with perhaps a red box
around it (say, 3 pixels wide), and beyond that the client would
display whatever it remembered last being there, with the size being
determined by the user.  Of course, for this to work well, the client
would need to know some high-level stuff, like changing maps,
teleportation, and other movement stuff, not just low-level stuff like
being told to change what's being displayed in a given square
(possibly due to movement, possibly due to some other change).  I'm
not sure how the protocol is specified, so I can't comment on how
realistic this is.

This sort of thing could change the game a bit, as secret areas might
be more noticable, as you would notice when an area isn't memorized
when everything else is.

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